Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012
Hello November :)
Waktu yang kian berjalan menghantarkan langkah kaki ku dan menepak di bulan yang baru, all the best in this month I will put everything and try to reach all my dreams in this month...
I hope it's not just a wish but this is also can become the reality.
Pagi ini walau terasa sedikit kantuk dan tentu saja ditemani secangkir kopi pahit dan sebatang rokok, saya menulis blog ini dengan sebuah harapa yang gak muluk-muluk, semoga UTS saya di bulan ini bisa berjalan dengan lancar, meskipun begitu saya mau berterima kasih buat bulan Oktober, bulan dimana mengajarkan ku banyak hal termasuk survive menjalani hidup yang kian tak menentu ini.
Meskipun masih belom banyak yang berubah dalam hidup tapi saya terus bersyukur bisa menjalani nya dengan semaximal mungkin, memang tak mudah untuk bisa move on dari hal-hal kecil yang terkadang menjerat dan terperangkap dalam jalan yang salah tapi apa yang sudah saya jalani selama bulan Oktober ini sungguh berat, dan sungguh kejam untuk diceritakan :|
Yah semoga saja semua kesalahan-kesalahan yang sama tak akan ku ulangi lagi di awal bulan ini dan bisa merubah semua kebiasaan buruk saya selama ini...
Rintik hujan pun jadi sakti bagaimana semua.
Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012
Be informative, not authoritative!!
As a professional agent, a large part of your job is to provide clients with informed advice and share your expertise about the property industry.
After all, they have hired you because they cannot do this job themselves - and are therefore looking to you to provide direction.
However, closing sales in real estate is almost always a two-way street - you cannot find the best solution for your clients unless you open the lines of communication and allow them to inform you about what they want.
If you are too authoritative in your approach, they may not feel comfortable expressing their own thoughts and this could cause confusion or discontent later down the track.
Discontentment from either side could threaten the sales process and even lose you valuable work, so it is important to keep your wits about you when entering into new professional relationships.
By being informative, you are tailoring your expert knowledge to meet their needs.
From responding to questions appropriately to offering advice and a range of possible solutions, you are helping them to make the right decisions.
In order to be able to do this effectively and consistently, it is important to stay up-to-date in your training - attending regular property conferences and real estate training seminars can help you keep up with market trends.
However we know that even with the best training, some clients can be difficult to please.
Not everyone is forthcoming with their ideas and in some situations clients simply do not know what they are looking for - making it especially hard for you to find the appropriate solution.
While it may sometimes be tempting to assert your own authority this does not always end well.
There is usually no question that you know more about the property industry than your clients, but this doesn't mean that you can tell them what to do - at the end of the day, they are the ones looking to invest their hard-earned money into real estate.
If certain clients are set on making an investment that you do not agree with, the best thing you may be able to do is provide a substantial amount of informative and educated advice.
Disagreeing to the point of no return could result in them looking for a professional agent's service elsewhere - and they may speak about you negatively in the future to other prospective clients.
Fortunately, in the long run an informative agent with integrity wins the race - it may be worth keeping that in mind next time you come across a difficult client.
Source: http://www.tret.com.au
Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012
Rainy Night
Hari berganti hari, siang berganti malam dan musimpun berlalu, malam ini terasa begitu adem kota Jogja, gak sepeti biasanya, seluruh kota dibanjiri hujan, semoga ini sebuah pertanda yang baik.
Meskipun begitu tapi resah hati ini masih saja belom terjawab dengan sebagian hal yang selalu mengganggu dan membuat penasaran akan banyak hal.yang kunamai semua itu misteri, entah sampai aku bisa menemukan kunci untuk membuka dan mengetahui apa yang ada di dalam nya.
Dingin, sunyi dan hanya ditemani secangkir kopi dan sebungkus rokok, oooh, sebut saja ini semacam surga kecil-kecilan, saya selalu menanti saat-saat seperti ini, dimana mata tak terpejamkan dan pikiran kian membuncah dan memikirkan banyak misteri itu.
Di sebuah coffee shop, duduk sendirian dan mengotak-atik laptop sembari mendengarkan lagu-lagu jazz, whoa! what a night! sampai-sampai kelupaan kalau besok masih banyak hal yang harus dikerjakan, sungguh melanggar aturan main itu punya tantangan tersendiri, tak udah terlalu banyak dipikirkan.
Rasanya sudah berada di zona nyaman dan tak mau tuk diganggu, percuma saja kalo hidup senang tapi tak pernah nyaman, sekarang yang saya pikirkan hanyalah kenyamanan bukan kesenangan.
Tentu saja kesenangan itu penting namun itu hanya sesaat, aku lebih mengejar sesuatu yang parmanen.
Sejauh ini semua yang kujalani ini berjalan dengan lancar dan sungguh sudah bisa sedikit move on dari hal-hal gak penting.
Malam, sungguh engkau penuh dengan sejuta misteri, saya gak tak cukup pandai membaca suasana dan membaca apa yang akan terjadi besok karena sejujurnya saya bukan ahli nujum tapi saya selalu berharap semoga besok ketika saya bangun pagi semuanya akan baik-baik saja.
Memang tak mudah berperang dengan batin apalagi itu terus menerus dan kian merusak hati tapi apa boleh dikata, semua itu kujadikan sebuah pelajaran untuk ku seorang.
Terkadang saya pengen berlari ditengah hujan yang dengan gigih membasahi bumi supaya tak seorangpun yang tak betapa dalam nya apa yang kurasakan sekarang ini, seberapa dalam luka parah akibata patah hati yang telah kau berikan padaku, tapi semuanya hasrat belaka, saya buka tipe orang yang sebodoh itu.
Kopi yang pahit ini seakan jadi saksi bisu akan rindu yang terkadang meronta-ronta akan tingkah laku mu dan semua yang telah kau buat dalam hidupku, pahit maupun manis, yang telah kita arungi bersama.
And in the of the story, in the middle of rainy night, I just hope that one day you'll realized that
Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012
Lama tak bertemu mommy rasanya sulit sekali membendung semua rasa kangen ini, aku bukanlah anak kecil lagi yang perlu dimanja tapi terkadang aku selalu kangen semua masa kecil-ku, tidur dalam pelukan mommy!
hari ini hari yang special buat mu namun aku tak berada disampingmu, terimakasih buat semua yang telah kau berikan dalam hidup-ku mom, semua yang tulus dari hati, tanpa paksa, semua yang penuh cinta dan kasih sayang, aku bangga memanggil mu mama!
Walking Sunshine

Dear Mother I love you and want you to know,
I think of you often wherever I go.
You lift me up; you're like walking sunshine;
I am lucky to have a great mother like mine.
Your endless affection makes you special and rare;
I'm always amazed by how much you care.
What you've given to me I can never repay,
Thank you, Mom, on your birthday.
By Joanna Fuchs
Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012
Arabic daily conversations
Belakangan ini selalu dihantui untuk belajar bahasa Arab, entah kenapa cuman tertarik aja, sebebarnya ada satu alasan yang mendasar dimana Abba saya orang Arab jadi setidaknya harus tau meskipun hanya sedikit, alright, this is for you reader!
I keep trying hard to learn Arabic because it's so difficult, let's just start it by daily conversations:
Arabic Phrases
English Phrases |
Arabic Phrases | |||||
English Greetings | Arabic Greetings: | ||||
Hi! | Salam! سلام | ||||
Good morning! | Sabah el kheer صباح الخير | ||||
Good evening! | Masaa el kheer مساء الخير | ||||
Welcome! (to greet someone) | Marhaban مرحبا | ||||
How are you? | Kaifa haloka/ haloki ( female) كيف حالك؟ | ||||
I'm fine, thanks! | Ana bekhair, shokran! أنا بخير شكرا | ||||
And you? | Wa ant? / Wa anti? (female) و أنت؟ | ||||
Good/ So-So. | Jayed/ 'aadee جيد / عادي | ||||
Thank you (very much)! | Shokran (jazeelan) (شكرا (جزيلا | ||||
You're welcome! (for "thank you") | Al’afw ألعفو | ||||
Hey! Friend! | Ahlan sadiqi/ sadiqati! (female) أهلا صديقي /صديقتي! | ||||
I missed you so much! | Eshtaqto elaika/ elaiki (female) katheeran إشتقت إليك كثيرا | ||||
What's new? | Maljadeed? مالجديد؟ | ||||
Nothing much | Lashai jadeed لا شيء جديد | ||||
Good night! | Tosbeho/ tosbeheena (female) ‘ala khair/ تصبح/ تصبحين على خير | ||||
See you later! | Araka/ Araki (female) fi ma ba'd أراك في مابعد | ||||
Good bye! | Ma’a salama مع السلامة | ||||
Asking for Help and Directions | |||||
I'm lost | Ada'tu tareeqi! أضعت طريقي! أضعت طريقي! | ||||
Can I help you? | Hal beemkani mosa’adatuk? هل بإمكاني مساعدتك؟ | ||||
Can you help me? | Hal beemkanek mosa’adati? هل بإمكانك مساعدتي؟ | ||||
Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? | Ayna ajedu (al merhaad/ assaidaliah)? أين أجد (المرحاض/ الصيدلية)؟ | ||||
Go straight! then turn left/ right! | imshy ala tool, thumma ‘arrij yaminan/ shimalan أمشٍ على طول ثم عرّج يمينا/ شمالا! |
I'm looking for john. | Abhatu ‘an John أبحث عن جون | ||||
One moment please! | Lahda men fadlek/ fadleki (female) لحظة من فضلك | ||||
Hold on please! (phone) | ibqa/ ibqay (female) ala al khat raja'an إبقى/ أبقي علي الخط رجاءا! | ||||
How much is this? | Kam howa thamanoh? (th as in bath) كم هو ثمنه؟ | ||||
Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) | Men fathlek/ fathleki (female) (th as in that) من فضلك | ||||
Excuse me! ( to pass by) | Alma'derah المعذرة | ||||
Come with me! | Ta'ala/ ta'alay (female) ma'ee! تعال معي! |
Do you speak (English/ Arabic)? | Hal tatakallamu alloghah alenjleziah/ alarabiah?
هل تتكلم اللغة الإنجليزية /العربية؟ |
Just a little. | Qaleelan! قليلا! |
What's your name? | Ma esmouk? Ma esmouki? ما إسمك؟ |
My name is ... | Esmee… إسمي.... |
Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… | Assayed…/ Assayeda…/ Al anesah ... السيد... /السيدة/ الانسة... |
Nice to meet you! | Motasharefon/ motasharefatun (f) bema'refatek متشرف / متشرفة بمعرفتك |
You're very kind! | Anta lateef/ Anti lateefa أنت لطيف! أنتِ لطيفة! |
Where are you from? | Men ayna anta/ anti (female)? من أين أنت؟ |
I'm from (the U.S/ Morocco) | Ana men (amreeka/ almaghrib) أنا من (أمريكا/ المغرب) |
I'm (American) | Ana (amreeki/ amrekiah (female) أنا أمريكي/أمريكية |
Where do you live? | Ayna taskun?/ Ayna taskuneen? (female) أين تسكن؟ أين تسكنين؟ |
I live in (the U.S/ France) | A'eesho fel welayat almotaheda/ faransa أعيش في الولايات المتحدة/ فرنسا |
Did you like it here? | Hal istamta'ta bewaqtika/ bewaqtiki (f) huna? هل استمتعت بوقتك هنا؟ |
Morocco is a wonderful country | Al maghrib baladun jameel! المغرب بلد جميل! |
What do you do for a living? | Ma mehnatuk? Mehnatuki (female) ما مهنتك؟ |
I work as a (translator/ businessman) | A'mal ka(motarjim/ rajul a'maal) أعمل كمترجم/ كرجل أعمال |
I like Arabic | Ohibbu allughah al arabia أحب اللغة العربية |
I've been learning Arabic for 1 month | adrusu allughah al arabia mundu shahr أدرس اللغة العربية منذ شهر |
Oh! That's good! | Hada shay'un Jameel هذا شيء جميل |
How old are you? | Kam howa umruk? umroki (female) كم هو عمرك؟ |
I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. | Umri ( 'eshreen/ thalatheen) sanah (th as in bath) عمري (عشرين/ ثلاثين) سنة |
I have to go | Yajebu an athhaba al aan! (th as in that) يجب أن اذهب الآن |
I will be right back! | Sa arje’o halan سأرجع حالا |
Wish Someone Something | |
Good luck! | Bettawfeeq بالتوفيق! |
Happy birthday! | Eid meelad sa'eed! عيد ميلاد سعيد |
Happy new year! | Sana sa'eedah! سنة سعيدة |
Merry Christmas! | A'yaad meelad Saeedah أعياد ميلاد سعيد! |
Happy Eid | Eid mobarak! عيد مبارك! |
Happy Ramadan | Ramadan mobarak! رمضان مبارك |
Congratulations! | Mabrook! مبروك! |
Enjoy! (for meals...) | Shahia tayebah! شهية طيبة |
I'd like to visit Iraq one day | Arghabu bezeyarat al iraq. أرغب بزيارة العراق |
Say hi to John for me | Sallem ‘ala John men ajlee سلِّم على (جون) من أجلي |
Bless you (when sneezing) | Rahimaka Allah رحمك الله |
Good night and sweet dreams! | Laila sa'eda wa ahlaam ladida ليلة سعيدة و أحلام لذيذة! |
Solving a Misunderstanding | |
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) | ‘Afwan! !عفوا |
Sorry (for a mistake) | Aasef! !أسف |
No Problem! | La moshkelah لامشكلة |
Can You Say It Again? | A’ed men fadlek!/ A’eedi men fadleki (fem) أعد من فضلك |
Can You Speak Slowly? | Takalam bebot’ men fadlek/ fadleki (fem) تكلم ببطء من فضلك |
Write It Down Please! | Oktobha men fadlek/ Oktobiha men fadleki (fem) أكتبها من فضلك! / أكتبيها من فضلك! |
I Don't Understand! | La afham! !لا أفهم |
I Don't Know! | La a’ref! !لآ أعرف |
I Have No Idea. | La adri! لاأدري |
What's That Called In Arabic? | Ma esmoho bel arabiah? ما أسمه بالعربية؟ |
What Does "gato" Mean In English? | Mada ta'ni kalemat "qit" bel inglizia? ماذا تعني كلمة "قط" بالانجليزية؟ |
How Do You Say "Please" In Arabic? | Kaifa taqoulu kalimat "please" bel arabia? كيف تقول كلمة "بليز" بالعربية؟ |
What Is This? | Ma hatha (th as in that) ما هذا؟ |
My Arabic is bad. | Lughati al arabic laisat kama yajib لغتي العربية ليست كما يجب |
I need to practice my Arabic | Ahtaaju an atadarraba 'ala al arabia! احتاج ان اتدرب على العربية |
Don't worry! | La taqlaq! La taqlaqi (fem) !لاتقلق/ لا تقلقي |
Arabic Expressions and Words | |
Good/ Bad/ So-So. | Jayed/ saye'/ 'adee جيد / سيء / عادي |
Big/ Small | Kabeer/ Sagheer كبير / صغير |
Today/ Now | Alyawm/ Al aan اليوم / الآن |
Tomorrow/ Yesterday | Ghadan/ Albareha غدا / البارحة غدا / البارحة |
Yes/ No | Na’am/ Laa نعم / لا |
Here you go! (when giving something) | Khod! !خد |
Do you like it? | Hal a’jabak? Hal a’jabaki? (female) هل أعجبك؟ |
I really like it! | A’jabani haqqan! أعجبني حقا |
I'm hungry/ thirsty. | Ana jae’/ ana ‘atshaan أنا جائع/ أنا عطشان |
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. | Sabahan/ masa’an/ laylan صباحا/ مساءا/ ليلا |
This/ That. Here/There | Hatha/ thalek. Huna/ hunaak (th as in that) هذا /ذلك. هنا/هناك |
Me/ You. Him/ Her. | Ana/ anta/ anti (you female). Houwa/ Hiya أنا/ أنت. هو/ هي |
Really! | Haqqan !حقا |
Look! | Onzor / Onzori (female) !أنظر! أنظري |
Hurry up! | Asre'/ Asre'ee (female) !أسرع! أسرعي |
What? Where? | Matha? Ayn? (th as in that) ماذا؟ أين؟ ماذا؟ أين؟ |
What time is it? | kam essa'a? كم الساعة؟ |
It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. | Enaha al 'ashera. Ennaha assaabe'a wa nesf. إنها العاشرة. إنها السابعة و النصف مساءا |
Give me this! | A'teni hatheh! (th as in that) !أعطني هذه |
I love you! | Uhibbok/ uhibboki (female) أحبك |
I feel sick. | ana mareed. .أنا مريض |
I need a doctor | ahtaju tabeeban! !أحتاج طبيبا |
One, Two, Three | wahed, ithnaan, thalatha (th as in think). واحد, إثنان, ثلاثة |
Four, Five, Six | arba'a, khamsa, sitta أربعة, خمسة, ستة |
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten | sab'a, thamania (th as in think), tis'a, 'ashara. سبعة, ثمانية, تسعة, عشرة |
SUMBER: http://www.linguanaut.com/
Penantian panjang yang tak pernah usai!
5 bulan sudah saya menjalani hidup seperti pelayar yang kehilangan arah di samudra pasifik, selalu berbohong pada diri sendiri dan terus-menerus melakukan hal yang sama. sunggu sesuatu yang sangat memuakan bila berada dalam keadaan seperti ini tapi saya masih cukup kuat dengan semua ujian ini, saya selalu mangatakan dalam hati kalo saya kuat!
Dan meskipun begitu tapi sampai kapan? apakah saya harus menunggu lagi dan lagi? rsanya saya sudah sangat bosan dan pengen lagi dari kenyataan hidup ini!!
Tulisan-tulisan di blog saya masih sama seperti kemarin dan belom ada perubahan yang signifikan, september berganti oktober dan sebentar lagi novermber dan seterusnya selalu begitu saja, oh rasanya stuck!
Kenapa disaat seperti ini malah kamu lalu berpaling dari aku? aku pria yang kuat tapi aku butuh kamu juga, rasanya lemah sekali menjalani hidup ini sendiri, sembari mendengarkan lagu-lagu Timur Tengah hati rasanya gersang dan terbata-bata bilan mengingat semua kenangan manis kentang mu dan tengan ku, tapi semua hanyalah ibarat garam yang sudah larut, bye!!
Sungguh penantian yang tiada akhir, Oh TUHAN!! I'm begging YOU please lead me to the right path so I will find the right time! I love you so much my honey!! I don't know where are you know but my heart always says that you're okay!! Oh baby, I wish I could meet you again someday. ~
Senin, 08 Oktober 2012
Israel. Seven Species. Fruits and Vegetables of Holy Land
Seven Species
The Hebrew Bible (TANAKH) describes Israel as a land blessed with seven fruits and grains:
"For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths, springing forth in valleys and hills; a land of wheat and barley, and vines and fig-trees and pomegranates; a land of olive-trees and honey;" (Deuteronomy 8:7-8)
These seven fruits and grains are called the seven species (shivat haminim). Israel is rich in many other fruits, grains and vegetables, but those seven species have special status.
The seven species symbolize the close relationship between the Jewish People and the Land of Israel.
The seven species are:

1.wheat (chitah)

2.barley (se'orah)

3.grapes (gefen)

4.fig (te'enah)

5.pomegranate (rimon)

6.olive (zayit)

7.date (tamar)

On Tu B'Shvat, the Jewish New Year for trees, it has become customary to eat and bless the seven species. I should say that Tu B'Shvat is marked by the time when almond trees start blooming. Though almond is not one of the seven species, it is the most visible sign of the arrival of Tu B'Shvat in Israel. The pink-white flowers of the almond trees fill the air with sweet aroma. Though I am not going to talk about almonds here, I'd like to give a picture of the blooming almond tree.

Adam and Eve, by Rubens. Wait a minute...they are not supposed to have belly buttons :)

Fig tree in the Garden of Eden provided the first closing for Adam and Eve. Though not all agree that a fig was the forbidden fruit of knowledge of good and evil, I consider it just logical that Adam and Eve would take the leaves from the tree they were under, rather than running around the garden to reach for fig leaves.
Some interesting facts about the figs-
Although considered a fruit, the fig is actually a flower that is inverted into itself. The seeds are drupes, or the real fruit. Figs are the only fruit to fully ripen and semi-dry on the tree.
For many years the fig has been used as a coffee substitute. The fruit contains a proteolytic enzyme that is considered an aid to digestion and is used by the pharmaceutical industry.
And, because of its high alkalinity it has been mentioned as being beneficial to persons wishing to quit smoking.
A chemical found in figs, Psoralens, has been used for thousands of years to treat skin pigmentation diseases.
Figs provide more fiber than any other common fruit or vegetable.
We had a fig tree in the street where we lived, in Bet-Shemesh, Israel. Fruits were available in the late summer-early fall. Every time we passed the tree, we were grabbing some straight from the branches. Fresh or dried, fig is a heavenly delicious eat. I wouldn't sin for an apple, but it's hard to resist temptation of a fig.
White Chocolate Fig Kisses
You'll need: 4 oz white chocolate, chopped, 24 dried whole figs, 1/2 cup finely chopped pistachio or macadamia nuts
In a small glass or metal bowl placed over a saucepan of hot water (or in a double boiler), melt chocolate, stirring. You can melt it in a microwave stove too. Dip one side of fig in chocolate, letting excess drip back into bowl, then dip into chopped nuts. Place on a waxed paper-lined tray and refrigerate briefly until chocolate has set. Place figs in an airtight container with waxed paper between layers. figs will keep, refrigerated, for one week.
In a small glass or metal bowl placed over a saucepan of hot water (or in a double boiler), melt chocolate, stirring. You can melt it in a microwave stove too. Dip one side of fig in chocolate, letting excess drip back into bowl, then dip into chopped nuts. Place on a waxed paper-lined tray and refrigerate briefly until chocolate has set. Place figs in an airtight container with waxed paper between layers. figs will keep, refrigerated, for one week.

logo for the Millennium Festival of Medicine

heraldic use

Pomegranate sculptures near Supreme Court in Jerusalem.
Pomegranate is a celebrity in a scale of ranks.
The pomegranate was chosen as the logo for the Millennium Festival of Medicine from a shortlist that included DNA, the human body, and a heart beat. Not only has the pomegranate been revered through the ages for its medicinal properties but it also often features in the heraldic crests.
Before its medicinal properties were described the pomegranate was held sacred by many of the world's major religions.
As Israel does not have a written Constitution, it is ruled by Old Testament laws. Pomegranate seeds are said to number 613 in average -one for each of the Bible's 613 commandments. The pomegranate's sculpture is featured in front of Supreme Court in Jerusalem.
The pomegranate was revered for the beauty of its shrub, flowers, and fruit-symbolizing sanctity, fertility, and abundance. The Song of Solomon compares the cheeks of a bride behind her veil to the two halves of a pomegranate. Depictions of the fruit have long featured in architecture and design. They decorated the pillars of King Solomon's temple and the robes and regalia of Jewish kings and priests.
The use of pomegranate rind and root bark as a treatment for tapeworm infestation was recommended by several early Roman medical writers and is still listed as a treatment for tapeworms and diarrhea in a current encyclopedia of medicinal plants.
I love pomegranates since I was a child. I didn't like pomegranate juice separately, but I was chewing the arils, I liked how they explode in the mouth. To chose a right pomegranate in the grocery store is not hard. A ripe fruit should be glossy, the surface should not be damaged. Try a pomegranate in your hand, it should feel heavy on your palm for its size.
Peeling a pomegranate may be messy, as arils have a tendency to shoot red juice that leaves spots. To make the process less frustrating, you may do the job in a bowl of water, it will save you lots of mess. Scoop a cone from the top (crown area) and bottom of a pomegranate, cut the fruit in four parts. You may just score the skin from top to bottom around the pomegranate every few inches, just as you would do to an orange to make it easy to peel. Put the fruit in a bowl with water, break it into parts and roll arils with your fingers out of their trap. Arils will sink to the bottom and the white garbage will float on the surface of water.
I personally prefer my old childhood way of eating the seeds, which works only in childhood and only in a river or in a lake. While you are in a water, just teeth arils out of pomegranate quarters.

The best recipe I've ever tried
You will need one pomegranate and a pack of chocolate chips.
Remove all the seeds as described above, then lay them out on paper towels to let them dry.
Lay out a large sheet of wax paper on a cookie sheet which will fit inside your refrigerator.
Melting the chocolate the easy way: put the chocolate chips in a glass container and microwave them until they're melted, stirring occasionally; don't overdo it so that chocolate will not burn or get tough.
Add the pomegranate seeds to the melted chocolate (making sure the seeds are not wet on the surface, or else the chocolate can seize) and fold gently with rubber spatula until the seeds are thoroughly covered, then spoon out globs of the mixture, whatever size you like, on to the wax paper.
Place the wax papered cookie sheet in the refrigerator and let the chocolate-covered seeds cool overnight (or for as long as you can stand before tasting them).
Keep refrigerated- they should keep for 3-4 days, at least, although I doubt they'll last that long once you taste them.
Remove all the seeds as described above, then lay them out on paper towels to let them dry.
Lay out a large sheet of wax paper on a cookie sheet which will fit inside your refrigerator.
Melting the chocolate the easy way: put the chocolate chips in a glass container and microwave them until they're melted, stirring occasionally; don't overdo it so that chocolate will not burn or get tough.
Add the pomegranate seeds to the melted chocolate (making sure the seeds are not wet on the surface, or else the chocolate can seize) and fold gently with rubber spatula until the seeds are thoroughly covered, then spoon out globs of the mixture, whatever size you like, on to the wax paper.
Place the wax papered cookie sheet in the refrigerator and let the chocolate-covered seeds cool overnight (or for as long as you can stand before tasting them).
Keep refrigerated- they should keep for 3-4 days, at least, although I doubt they'll last that long once you taste them.
- The Seven Species
- California Figs - Simply Beautiful
The finest figs in the world are grown in Fresno California, your resource for fig nutrition, recipes, industry, history and retail information.
My Israel Hubtrail
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All holidays of a Jewish calendar are connected with Bible. Some of them are strictly religious, others are less. As for our family, some holidays we do celebrate traditionally, some we don't. Purim is our... - Israel As I Love It, Part 2. Religion, Faith, Hebrew and Solar Energy.
Visit Israel. Read about Israel, learn tips about Israeli culture, traveling tips, language tips and security tips. - Places to Visit in Israel. Jerusalem.
Visit Israel. Read about Israel, learn tips about Israeli culture, traveling tips, language tips and security tips. - Safari, Tzapari and Dolphin Reef or What To Do With Your Kids In Israel.
Visit Israel. Read about Israel, learn tips about Israeli culture, traveling tips, language tips and security tips. Tips what to do with your kids in Israel. - Jewish Holiday Calendar 2010-2013
I am Jewish in blood and heart. I am a secular Jew which means that I am not religious in a common sense of this word. I dont keep Kosher, I dont go to Synagogues, I dont observe major Holidays the... - http://hubpages.com/hub/Places-to-Visit-in-Israel-Tel-Aviv-and-Around-It
"Jewish Hubs"
- Jewish Holiday Calendar 2010-2016Jewish Holidays Calendar is handy to find all the dates of Jewish Holidays you need. Explanation how Jewish Calendar works with dates for Jewish holidays that correspond to Gregorian Calendar. - 2 years ago
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- Safari, Tzapari and Dolphin Reef or What To Do With Your Kids In Israel.Visit Israel. Read about Israel, learn tips about Israeli culture, traveling tips, language tips and security tips. Tips what to do with your kids in Israel. - 3 years ago
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Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012
Arim Roshi (I will raise my head)
Arim Roshi - I Will Raise My Head by Shay Gabso

שי גבסו
מילים: שי גבסו
לחן: אהובה עוזרי ומשה דעבול
הולך אני כעת במשעול ההווה
כילד ההולך לו לאיבוד
כפות ידי הן מושטות
מבקשות את העזרה להמשיך איתך את המסע
ובצדדים הפרחים כאילו איבדו את זהותם
מחפשים עוד קרן אור שתעזור
עוד לגימה קטנה של מים ממעייני החוכמה
תביא להם את התקווה
ארים ראשי, אשא עיני אל ההרים במרחקים
וקולי ישמע כזעקה, כתפילת האדם
וליבי יקרא מאין יבוא עזרי
עובר אני כעת בין נופים חדשים
הצעדים הם נעשים כה איטיים
מה יש שם שאין פה שאל אותי עובר
מה בלב אתה שומר
קשיש העיר כשעל גבו מונח כל עברו
מביט סביב ומחפש את עולמו
כשההווה כל כך קשה
לא אומר דבר, ארים ראשי אל המחר
ארים ראשי...
מילים: שי גבסו
לחן: אהובה עוזרי ומשה דעבול
הולך אני כעת במשעול ההווה
כילד ההולך לו לאיבוד
כפות ידי הן מושטות
מבקשות את העזרה להמשיך איתך את המסע
ובצדדים הפרחים כאילו איבדו את זהותם
מחפשים עוד קרן אור שתעזור
עוד לגימה קטנה של מים ממעייני החוכמה
תביא להם את התקווה
ארים ראשי, אשא עיני אל ההרים במרחקים
וקולי ישמע כזעקה, כתפילת האדם
וליבי יקרא מאין יבוא עזרי
עובר אני כעת בין נופים חדשים
הצעדים הם נעשים כה איטיים
מה יש שם שאין פה שאל אותי עובר
מה בלב אתה שומר
קשיש העיר כשעל גבו מונח כל עברו
מביט סביב ומחפש את עולמו
כשההווה כל כך קשה
לא אומר דבר, ארים ראשי אל המחר
ארים ראשי...
Shay Gabso
Lyrics: Shay Gabso
Music: Ahuva Ozeri and Moses Dabol
Lyrics: Shay Gabso
Music: Ahuva Ozeri and Moses Dabol
Holech ani ka'et bemish'ol hahoveh
keyeled haholech lo le'ibud
kapot yadai hen mushatot
mevak'shot et ha'ezrah leham'shich itach et hamas'a
uvatz'dadim haprachim ke'ilu ibdu et zehutam
mechapsim od keren or sheta'azor
od legimah k'tanah shel mayim
mima'ayanei hachoch'mah
tavi lahem et hatikvah
Arim roshi,
esa einai el heharim bamer'chakim
vekoli yishama keze'akah,
ket'filat ha'adam
velibi yikra
me'ayin yavo ezri
Over ani ka'et bein nofim chadashim
hatza'adim hem na'asim ko iti'im
mah yesh sham she'ein po
sha'al oti over
mah balev atah shomer
k'shish ha'ir kshe'al gabo munach kol avaro
mabit saviv umechapes et olamo
k'shehahoveh kol kach kasheh
lo omer davar,
arim roshi el hamachar
Arim roshi...
keyeled haholech lo le'ibud
kapot yadai hen mushatot
mevak'shot et ha'ezrah leham'shich itach et hamas'a
uvatz'dadim haprachim ke'ilu ibdu et zehutam
mechapsim od keren or sheta'azor
od legimah k'tanah shel mayim
mima'ayanei hachoch'mah
tavi lahem et hatikvah
Arim roshi,
esa einai el heharim bamer'chakim
vekoli yishama keze'akah,
ket'filat ha'adam
velibi yikra
me'ayin yavo ezri
Over ani ka'et bein nofim chadashim
hatza'adim hem na'asim ko iti'im
mah yesh sham she'ein po
sha'al oti over
mah balev atah shomer
k'shish ha'ir kshe'al gabo munach kol avaro
mabit saviv umechapes et olamo
k'shehahoveh kol kach kasheh
lo omer davar,
arim roshi el hamachar
Arim roshi...
Shay Gabso
Lyrics: Shay Gabso
Music: Ahuva Ozeri and Moses Dabol
Chords English
Lyrics: Shay Gabso
Music: Ahuva Ozeri and Moses Dabol
Chords English
I walk now
in the path of the present
like a child walking into oblivion
my hands are extended
asking for help to continue the journey with you
and on the sides the flowers as though they lost their identity
searching for a ray of light that would help
another small gulp of water
from the wells of wisdome
that will bring them the hope
I will raise my head,
I'll lift my eyes to the mountains in the distance
and my voice will be heard as a scream,
as a prayer of a human
and my heart will call out
"where will my help come from"
I pass now between new landscapes
the steps are taken so slowly
what is there that is not here
I asked a passer-by
what do you guard in your heart
the city senior whose whole past rests on his back
glances around and looks for his world
when the present is so hard
he doesn't say a word,
I will raise my head toward tomorrow
I will raise my head...
like a child walking into oblivion
my hands are extended
asking for help to continue the journey with you
and on the sides the flowers as though they lost their identity
searching for a ray of light that would help
another small gulp of water
from the wells of wisdome
that will bring them the hope
I will raise my head,
I'll lift my eyes to the mountains in the distance
and my voice will be heard as a scream,
as a prayer of a human
and my heart will call out
"where will my help come from"
I pass now between new landscapes
the steps are taken so slowly
what is there that is not here
I asked a passer-by
what do you guard in your heart
the city senior whose whole past rests on his back
glances around and looks for his world
when the present is so hard
he doesn't say a word,
I will raise my head toward tomorrow
I will raise my head...
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