Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Mirrors part.2

 “Mirrors is a love song to someone that you feel like is your other half. It became a play on that; not specifically about looking into a mirror. I think one of the most valuable things in a relationship is being able to constantly change and be individual. Look to the other side of that relationship, that person you’re with, and know that they’re changing as well individually, but somehow you two can mirror each other and be the other half of that world that you both create. So that’s where the idea for the song came from. I’ve heard a little bit from people around that it could be a good wedding song. I find it interesting that in wedding vows, you say ‘I do’ when I feel like what you should say is ‘I will’ because I think a relationship, when it’s working, is evolving because we as individuals evolve and we want to know that that person you’re with is evolving with you. People change like the seasons – we’re always growing, we’re always evolving – and to know that the other half of that special part of your life is mirroring you, but also being an individual in their own way – that’s the balance and what really the song is about. There’s a line in the second verse: ‘I can’t ever change without you.’ If you take it at face value maybe it doesn’t make sense, but more or less what it means is, knowing that you can change and that that is looked at by the other person you’re with as a blessing. That’s where the idea for the song came from.
- Justin Timberlake on the meaning of Mirrors 

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