Jumat, 28 Desember 2012
I close my eyes and your face starts to form.
I can’t touch you and the distance makes me mourn.
I look at my hands and see nothing but entangled fingers.
Your body is missing but your scent still lingers.
I am trying to clutch of whats been left of you.
Which are the tears you caused on my hands that had fallen to.
To me your on top of a skyscraper telling me your in love.
And I’m running up the stairs but I’m starting to have enough.
I’m almost to the the top and i know its not a race.
But then I wake up staring into space.
I stare at the stars expecting to feel your presence.
But you are just like the stars leaving me with absence.
And the stars don’t show, but just black as they can be.
My eyes start to flood wishing you can share this love with me.
Selasa, 25 Desember 2012
Merry Chritmas Everyone :)
December 25, 2012
It's finally CHRISTMAS!!
I am so happy!!
I am so excited!!
I am so glad!!
I am sooooo full of joy!
Dear you...
Even though you were not here but you do listen!
I am every thing alright!!
Yeah of course I realized that I miss you so much!
But maybe you never realized about that
Maybe you don't even miss me too!
But it's alright!
I hope you enjoy with your choice.
This this just a note...
Last night I had great Christmas eve with my family
They are all my friends and they so close to me so I call them family too!
I really enjoy every single Christmas songs in Church
I love the light of Christmas candle, it was shining brightly in the dark!
Every thing about Christmas light was awesome!
I truly madly and deeply in love with every Christmas Decorations!
Dear Jesus...
Thank for born as my saviour.
There is none like YOU!
You born so we may have the eternal life, forever and ever.
Thank you for every little things!
Here is just a praise for you GOD!
Oh Lamb Of God!
You are holly!!
You are amazing!
I know I am a million miles far apart from my family
But I don't feel lonely at Christmas!
My heart is felt up with the joy and peace of Christmas.
I don't need any present.
I know I want it too...
It's better for me to choose nothing!
I only believe that the only greatest of Christmas is Jesus Himself!
He is born in Christmas and in my heart!
And that's beyond every thing!
Merry Christmas Everyone! :*
Oldry Ronald
December 25, 2012
It's finally CHRISTMAS!!
I am so happy!!
I am so excited!!
I am so glad!!
I am sooooo full of joy!
Dear you...
Even though you were not here but you do listen!
I am every thing alright!!
Yeah of course I realized that I miss you so much!
But maybe you never realized about that
Maybe you don't even miss me too!
But it's alright!
I hope you enjoy with your choice.
This this just a note...
Last night I had great Christmas eve with my family
They are all my friends and they so close to me so I call them family too!
I really enjoy every single Christmas songs in Church
I love the light of Christmas candle, it was shining brightly in the dark!
Every thing about Christmas light was awesome!
I truly madly and deeply in love with every Christmas Decorations!
Dear Jesus...
Thank for born as my saviour.
There is none like YOU!
You born so we may have the eternal life, forever and ever.
Thank you for every little things!
Here is just a praise for you GOD!
Oh Lamb Of God!
You are holly!!
You are amazing!
I know I am a million miles far apart from my family
But I don't feel lonely at Christmas!
My heart is felt up with the joy and peace of Christmas.
I don't need any present.
I know I want it too...
It's better for me to choose nothing!
I only believe that the only greatest of Christmas is Jesus Himself!
He is born in Christmas and in my heart!
And that's beyond every thing!
Merry Christmas Everyone! :*
Oldry Ronald
Minggu, 23 Desember 2012
Renjana senja
23 Desember 2012
Sore yang diselimuti awan hitam pekat dan tebal
Tampaknya akan segera turun hujan
Daun-daun kering berguguran...
Orang-orang berlarian
Dan hati ku masih saja beku...
Di luar terdengar begitu hiruk-pikuk
Rasa rindu yang luar biasa
Rasa rindu akan rumah kecil ku
Rasa rindu dengan semua yang jauh di sana
Rasa rindu pada keluarga ku
Namun tuk tak bisa berbuat banyak
Hanya duduk diam dan membisu
Hanya bisa berdoa dalam tangis
Hanya bisa menjerit dengan sakit
Hanya bisa tersenyum palsu
Begitu dalam rasa kangen
Begitu perih dan belum kunjung pulih
Begitu menyiksa sampai ku tak bisa bernapas
Begitu dalam dan tak terukur
Begitulah rasa kangen ku pada orang-orang yang ku cintai
Hai senja..
Dimana kah diri mu?
Kenapa kau lari dari ku?
Kopi pahit ku mulai dingin
Aku butuh sinar mu tuk menghangatkan tubuh ku..
Kenapa tak kau sinari hati ku yang beku ini?
Kenapa dan mengapa?
Perjalanan hidup yang melelahkan
Rasanya belum percaya saja
Besok sudah malam Natal
Tapi apa?
Hati ku masih seperti dulu
Masih ada rindu yang belum terselesaikan
Masih banyak yang ingin ku sampaikan
Tapi pada siapa?
Akan ku tuliskan sajak-sajak kecil ku pada kertas
Akan ku terbangkan dengan hembusan angin malam
Akan ku labuhkan semua rindu ku yang biru ini pada awan biru
Akan ku tatap langit yang menangis
Akan ku resapi setiap derasnya hujan malam
Akan ku tuangakn dalam puisi ku
Renjana senja..
Aku harus bagaimana lagi?
Sampai kapan ku harus hidup dalam kebohongan?
Sampai kapan ku terus berpura-pura
Kalau itu yang terbaik
Akan ku lantunkan sebuah tembang kenangan masa kecilku
Dan terus berusaha membereskan hati ku
Terima kasih hujan
Kau selalu tau isi hati ku
Terima kasih secangkir kopi
Yang selalu menemani ku dikalah rasa gundah gulana menerpa
Terima kasih Sang Pembuat Langit
Yang dengan tersenyum mau mendengar semua jeritan hati..
Sore yang diselimuti awan hitam pekat dan tebal
Tampaknya akan segera turun hujan
Daun-daun kering berguguran...
Orang-orang berlarian
Dan hati ku masih saja beku...
Di luar terdengar begitu hiruk-pikuk
Rasa rindu yang luar biasa
Rasa rindu akan rumah kecil ku
Rasa rindu dengan semua yang jauh di sana
Rasa rindu pada keluarga ku
Namun tuk tak bisa berbuat banyak
Hanya duduk diam dan membisu
Hanya bisa berdoa dalam tangis
Hanya bisa menjerit dengan sakit
Hanya bisa tersenyum palsu
Begitu dalam rasa kangen
Begitu perih dan belum kunjung pulih
Begitu menyiksa sampai ku tak bisa bernapas
Begitu dalam dan tak terukur
Begitulah rasa kangen ku pada orang-orang yang ku cintai
Hai senja..
Dimana kah diri mu?
Kenapa kau lari dari ku?
Kopi pahit ku mulai dingin
Aku butuh sinar mu tuk menghangatkan tubuh ku..
Kenapa tak kau sinari hati ku yang beku ini?
Kenapa dan mengapa?
Perjalanan hidup yang melelahkan
Rasanya belum percaya saja
Besok sudah malam Natal
Tapi apa?
Hati ku masih seperti dulu
Masih ada rindu yang belum terselesaikan
Masih banyak yang ingin ku sampaikan
Tapi pada siapa?
Akan ku tuliskan sajak-sajak kecil ku pada kertas
Akan ku terbangkan dengan hembusan angin malam
Akan ku labuhkan semua rindu ku yang biru ini pada awan biru
Akan ku tatap langit yang menangis
Akan ku resapi setiap derasnya hujan malam
Akan ku tuangakn dalam puisi ku
Renjana senja..
Aku harus bagaimana lagi?
Sampai kapan ku harus hidup dalam kebohongan?
Sampai kapan ku terus berpura-pura
Kalau itu yang terbaik
Akan ku lantunkan sebuah tembang kenangan masa kecilku
Dan terus berusaha membereskan hati ku
Terima kasih hujan
Kau selalu tau isi hati ku
Terima kasih secangkir kopi
Yang selalu menemani ku dikalah rasa gundah gulana menerpa
Terima kasih Sang Pembuat Langit
Yang dengan tersenyum mau mendengar semua jeritan hati..
Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012
Hey you!
Hey you! yes you!
Someone who stole my heart!
This is dedicated just for you!
Why you never understand how deep is my love for you?
It's almost Christmas and I miss you a lot!
But you never realized it all.
I am alright!
For the time being, I will stay away from you!
I get hurt so much!
I am sorry!
I am not a Vampire
I am not the King
I am not Your Enemy
I am not slave for you!!
But you keep making me feel blue?
Why you keep bringing this feeling down?
I just can't figure it out!
Oh please!
Am I too annoying for you?
Am I too insane for you?
You're totally wrong!
Yes you were!
You are the reason why I keep smiling :)
You are the reason why I keep falling back in love with you!
I don't understand!!!
Why is this happening to me?
Can someone out there telling WHY?
Oh please!!
Anytime you always bring the sadness for me.
I am cool enough to show that I am alright.
But now!
It's all broken!
I am torn apart!
I am falling in to pieces...
I feel like I am stripped and bare!
You leave me with nothing.
Why did it to me?
Maybe I am too possessive.
Maybe I am too selfish
Maybe I am too egoistic
I am too deep into this drama!!
I am bored of getting your all fake smile!
You better go fuck yourself!
I tell you!
I don't wanna care about you anymore!
It's all over!
Fuck you!
Jumat, 21 Desember 2012
Puisi untuk mama

Sungguh mulia kasih sayang mu pada-ku...
Laut dan samudra tak sebanding dengan cinta mu pada-ku
Milyaran bintang di langit yang tak terhitung
Begitu juga dengan semua pengorbanan mu pada-ku
Sembilan bulan kau kesusahan
Dengan senyum kau hadapi semua nya
Sungguh kau tak mengenal lelah
Membesarkan ku dengan sabar dan mendidik ku
Bila suatu saat nanti aku jadi orang sukses
Akan ku katakan pada dunia kecil ku
Bahwasan nya ada seorang wanita yang kuat
Yang selalu berada di belakang ku
Yang selalu menopang dengan cinta kasih dan sayang
Yang selalu mendoakan ku tanpa henti
Selamat hati ibu...
Tanpa mu, aku hanya seperti butiran pasir di laut
Tanpa mu aku tak tau arah jalan hidup ku
Terima kasih buat semuanya
Terima kasih buat cinta mu yang tulus
Terima kasih mama
Tuhan memberkati mu selalu, mama :*
Selamat hari ibu 22 Desember - 2012!
Oldry Ronald :)
Minggu, 16 Desember 2012
There comes a time (akan ada saatnya)
Masalah yang datang pasti ada jalan keluar, seberat apapun itu pasti terselesaikan, hey wake up! YOLO [YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE] you can face all your problems!
Shake it off, let it go and just have fun!!!
mungkin belom sekarang tapi biarlah waktu yang akan menjawab semua tanda tanya itu, be positive in thinking and work hard! don't let anyone stole your happiness.
people, circumstances and the others can stop you temporarily - you are the only one who can do it permanently!!
here are just some notes from what I've been thinking, what's stuck on my mind lately.
Akan ada saatnya dimana seorang pujaan hati akan membangunkan mu dengan secangkir kopi panas di pagi hari sembari mencium kening mu.
Akan ada saatnya dimana semua perjalanan panjang ini akan menemukan suatu jalan keluar meskipun harus keluar hari semak-belukar dan lika-liku hidup yang penuh drama ini.
Akan ada saatnya dimana sesorang yang dulu tak pernah menganggap mu ada, akan sangat membutuhkan mu, namun saja hati mu sudah tertutup untuk semua cinta palsu yang lain.
Akan ada saatnya dimana semua yang kelihatan nya suram mulai cerah, dan kesuraman yang dulu tak akan menggangu mu dari semua yang kamu miliki sekarang.
Akan ada saatnya dimana yang pacaran akan segera putus dan yang jomblo makin ngenes *eh maaf!
Akan ada saatnya kamu menyesal namun sudah tidak ada guna nya lagi, kasian!
Akan ada saatnya kita harus sadar dan mengerti tentang kenyataan bahwa orang yg kita inginkan gak pernah bisa kita miliki.
Akan ada saatnya dimana hal-hal kecil yang dirindukan itu hilang, sampai akhirnya kita jadi terbiasa dengan ketiadaannya
Akan ada saatnya kamu bisa menikmati apa yg kamu perjuangkan hari ini.
Akan ada saatnyanya kamu akan merindukanku, sedalam dan sesering aku merindukanmu, hanya saja waktunya belum datang.
Akan ada saatnya dimana tupai yang lihat melompat trus dia laper dan akan makan juga (apasih?)
Akan ada saat nya ketika PMS tak lagi valid dijadikan alasan ketika mood berantakan.(Nah lo?)
Akan ada saatnya kita jatuh cinta pada orang yang tidak disangka dan malahan putus dengan orang yang tidak kita inginkan (yah gitu deh!)
Akan ada saatnya kamu juga akan sadar, bahwa mengharapkan nya menghabiskan waktu yang harusnya kau pakai untuk bisa bahagia.
Akan ada saatnya dimana kamu akan pergi jauh dari pintu yang telah kau ketuk sebegitu lama nya namun tak ada yang membukakan nya.
Akan ada saatnya dimana doa mu akan terjawab, sehari yang tadi nya 24 bisa jadi 25 jam (kalo ini jelas mustahil)
Akan ada saatnya orang yang suka PHP akan diPHP-in dan Player gonna be Played! *Noted!
Akan ada saatnya dimana kamu yang akan menjadi sutradara dari semua drama yang pernah dia buat.
Akan ada saatnya rindu mu berwujud menjadi rindu yang nyata. Tersampaikan dan terbalaskan. Tak melulu hanya tertumpuk dalam dada.
Akan ada saatnya kamu akan cetar membahana badai halilintar, *apasih?
Akan ada saatnya dimana kamu tersenyum pada semua kebodohan yang pernah kamu lakukan.
Akan ada saatnya dimana masalah hati sudah bukan jadi masalah serius lagi, ciyus! *plak!
Akan ada saatnya kamu sendiri yang akan ditakuti setan, dan setan yang justru lari jauh dari mu.
Akan ada saatnya dimana semua tanda tanya yang belum terjawab akan terjawab!
Akan ada saatnya dimana HATERS will SHY to themselves, prove it!!
Akan ada saatnya dimana ruang hati yang telah lama hampa akan ada yang tinggal di sana dan mendiaminya.
Akan ada saatnya kamu tak akan galau lagi karena yang digalauin sudah berada disisi mu.
There comes a time when you need to stop, step back, and think. That time seems to have caught up to me.
There comes a time in your life when you start to realize who's real and who's fake. Separate yourself from the fake people And just do you.
There comes a time when you have to stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start thinking of what could go right.
There comes a time when you have to be your own hero. Because sometimes, the people you can't live without, can live without you.
There comes a time where you have to stop beating yourself up over the mistakes you've made
There comes a time in life when you learn to accept yourself rather than trying to accept what others think of you
There comes a time in your life when you realise who matters, who never did and who always will.
There comes a time when you just have to accept the fact its over & move on
There comes a time when you have to stop trying to make everyone else happy and just do it for yo.
There comes a time when you need to look around and say "I deserve better than this," and realize that you are still young enough to have it
There comes a time in ones life when they realize the only person they can truly trust 100%, is themselves.
There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it.
There comes a time when you're sick of trying, sick of getting the same silence, the same response, and the same hurt feeling.
There comes a time when silence is betrayal.
There comes a time when silence is not gold anymore!
There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy`s life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.
There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page or just closing the book.
There comes a time when that shit doesn't work anymore.
Shake it off, let it go and just have fun!!!
mungkin belom sekarang tapi biarlah waktu yang akan menjawab semua tanda tanya itu, be positive in thinking and work hard! don't let anyone stole your happiness.
people, circumstances and the others can stop you temporarily - you are the only one who can do it permanently!!
here are just some notes from what I've been thinking, what's stuck on my mind lately.
Akan ada saatnya dimana seorang pujaan hati akan membangunkan mu dengan secangkir kopi panas di pagi hari sembari mencium kening mu.
Akan ada saatnya dimana semua perjalanan panjang ini akan menemukan suatu jalan keluar meskipun harus keluar hari semak-belukar dan lika-liku hidup yang penuh drama ini.
Akan ada saatnya dimana sesorang yang dulu tak pernah menganggap mu ada, akan sangat membutuhkan mu, namun saja hati mu sudah tertutup untuk semua cinta palsu yang lain.
Akan ada saatnya dimana semua yang kelihatan nya suram mulai cerah, dan kesuraman yang dulu tak akan menggangu mu dari semua yang kamu miliki sekarang.
Akan ada saatnya dimana yang pacaran akan segera putus dan yang jomblo makin ngenes *eh maaf!
Akan ada saatnya kamu menyesal namun sudah tidak ada guna nya lagi, kasian!
Akan ada saatnya kita harus sadar dan mengerti tentang kenyataan bahwa orang yg kita inginkan gak pernah bisa kita miliki.
Akan ada saatnya dimana hal-hal kecil yang dirindukan itu hilang, sampai akhirnya kita jadi terbiasa dengan ketiadaannya
Akan ada saatnya kamu bisa menikmati apa yg kamu perjuangkan hari ini.
Akan ada saatnyanya kamu akan merindukanku, sedalam dan sesering aku merindukanmu, hanya saja waktunya belum datang.
Akan ada saatnya dimana tupai yang lihat melompat trus dia laper dan akan makan juga (apasih?)
Akan ada saat nya ketika PMS tak lagi valid dijadikan alasan ketika mood berantakan.(Nah lo?)
Akan ada saatnya kita jatuh cinta pada orang yang tidak disangka dan malahan putus dengan orang yang tidak kita inginkan (yah gitu deh!)
Akan ada saatnya kamu juga akan sadar, bahwa mengharapkan nya menghabiskan waktu yang harusnya kau pakai untuk bisa bahagia.
Akan ada saatnya dimana kamu akan pergi jauh dari pintu yang telah kau ketuk sebegitu lama nya namun tak ada yang membukakan nya.
Akan ada saatnya dimana doa mu akan terjawab, sehari yang tadi nya 24 bisa jadi 25 jam (kalo ini jelas mustahil)
Akan ada saatnya orang yang suka PHP akan diPHP-in dan Player gonna be Played! *Noted!
Akan ada saatnya dimana kamu yang akan menjadi sutradara dari semua drama yang pernah dia buat.
Akan ada saatnya rindu mu berwujud menjadi rindu yang nyata. Tersampaikan dan terbalaskan. Tak melulu hanya tertumpuk dalam dada.
Akan ada saatnya kamu akan cetar membahana badai halilintar, *apasih?
Akan ada saatnya dimana kamu tersenyum pada semua kebodohan yang pernah kamu lakukan.
Akan ada saatnya dimana masalah hati sudah bukan jadi masalah serius lagi, ciyus! *plak!
Akan ada saatnya kamu sendiri yang akan ditakuti setan, dan setan yang justru lari jauh dari mu.
Akan ada saatnya dimana semua tanda tanya yang belum terjawab akan terjawab!
Akan ada saatnya dimana HATERS will SHY to themselves, prove it!!
Akan ada saatnya dimana ruang hati yang telah lama hampa akan ada yang tinggal di sana dan mendiaminya.
Akan ada saatnya kamu tak akan galau lagi karena yang digalauin sudah berada disisi mu.
There comes a time when you need to stop, step back, and think. That time seems to have caught up to me.
There comes a time in your life when you start to realize who's real and who's fake. Separate yourself from the fake people And just do you.
There comes a time when you have to stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start thinking of what could go right.
There comes a time when you have to be your own hero. Because sometimes, the people you can't live without, can live without you.
There comes a time where you have to stop beating yourself up over the mistakes you've made
There comes a time in life when you learn to accept yourself rather than trying to accept what others think of you
There comes a time in your life when you realise who matters, who never did and who always will.
There comes a time when you just have to accept the fact its over & move on
There comes a time when you have to stop trying to make everyone else happy and just do it for yo.
There comes a time when you need to look around and say "I deserve better than this," and realize that you are still young enough to have it
There comes a time in ones life when they realize the only person they can truly trust 100%, is themselves.
There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it.
There comes a time when you're sick of trying, sick of getting the same silence, the same response, and the same hurt feeling.
There comes a time when silence is betrayal.
There comes a time when silence is not gold anymore!
There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy`s life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.
There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page or just closing the book.
There comes a time when that shit doesn't work anymore.
Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012
Figure of speech
"Figures of speech" redirects here. For the hip hop group, see Figures of Speech.
A figure of speech is the use of a word or words
diverging from its usual meaning. It can also be a special repetition,
arrangement or omission of words with literal meaning, or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it, as in idiom, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, or personification.
Figures of speech often provide emphasis, freshness of expression, or
clarity. However, clarity may also suffer from their use, as any figure
of speech introduces an ambiguity between literal and figurative
interpretation. A figure of speech is sometimes called a rhetorical figure or a locution.Not all theories of meaning have a concept of "literal language" (see literal and figurative language). Under theories that do not, figure of speech is not an entirely coherent concept.
Rhetoric originated as the study of the ways in which a source text can be transformed to suit the goals of the person reusing the material. For this goal, classical rhetoric detected four fundamental operations that can be used to transform a sentence or a larger portion of a text: expansion, abridgement, switching, and transferring.
The four fundamental operations
Main article:
The four fundamental operations, or categories of change, governing the formation of all figures of speech are:- addition (adiection), also called repetition/expansion/superabundance
- omission (detractio), also called subtraction/abridgement/lack
- transposition (transmutatio), also called transferring
- permutation (immutatio), also called switching/interchange/substitution/transmutation
The figure of speech comes in many varieties. The aim is to use the language inventively to accentuate the effect of what is being said. A few examples follow:- "Around the rugged rocks the rugged rascal ran" is an example of alliteration, where the consonant r is used repeatedly. Whereas, "Sister Suzy sewing socks for soldiers" is a particular form of alliteration called sibilance, because it repeats the letter s. Both are commonly used in poetry.
- "She would run up the stairs and then a new set of curtains" is a variety of zeugma called a syllepsis. Run up refers to ascending and also to manufacturing. The effect is enhanced by the momentary suggestion, through a pun, that she might be climbing up the curtains. The ellipsis or omission of the second use of the verb makes the reader think harder about what is being said.
- "Military Intelligence is an oxymoron" is the use of direct sarcasm to suggest that the military would have no intelligence. This might be considered to be a satire and a terse aphorism. "But he's a soldier, so he has to be an Einstein" is the use of sarcasm through irony for the same effect. The use of hyperbole by using the word Einstein calls attention to the ironic intent. An Einstein is an example of synecdoche, as it uses a particular name to represent a class of people: geniuses.
- "I had butterflies in my stomach" is a metaphor, referring to my nervousness feeling as if there were flying insects in my stomach. To say "it was like having some butterflies in my stomach" would be a simile, because it uses the word like which is missing in the metaphor.
Categories of figures of speech
Scholars of classical Western rhetoric have divided figures of speech into two main categories: schemes and tropes. Schemes (from the Greek schēma, form or shape) are figures of speech that change the ordinary or expected pattern of words. For example, the phrase, "John, my best friend" uses the scheme known as apposition. Tropes (from the Greek tropein, to turn) change the general meaning of words. An example of a trope is irony, which is the use of words to convey the opposite of their usual meaning ("For Brutus is an honorable man; / So are they all, all honorable men").During the Renaissance, scholars meticulously enumerated and classified figures of speech. Henry Peacham, for example, in his The Garden of Eloquence (1577), enumerated 184 different figures of speech. Professor Robert DiYanni, in his book "Literature - Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama and the Essay" wrote: "Rhetoricians have catalogued more than 250 different figures of speech, expressions or ways of using words in a nonliteral sense.".
For simplicity, this article divides the figures between schemes and tropes, but does not further sub-classify them (e.g., "Figures of Disorder"). Within each category, words are listed alphabetically. Most entries link to a page that provides greater detail and relevant examples, but a short definition is placed here for convenience. Some of those listed may be considered rhetorical devices, which are similar in many ways.
Main article: Scheme (linguistics)
- accumulation: Summary of previous arguments in a forceful manner
- adnomination: Repetition of a word with a change in letter or sound
- alliteration: Series of words that begin with the same consonant or sound alike
- adynaton: hyperbole taken to such extreme lengths as to suggest a complete impossibility.
- anacoluthon: Change in the syntax within a sentence
- anadiplosis: Repetition of a word at the end of a clause at the beginning of another
- anaphora: Repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive clauses
- anastrophe: Inversion of the usual word order
- anticlimax: Arrangement of words in order of decreasing importance
- antimetabole: Repetition of words in successive clauses, in reverse order
- antistrophe: Repetition of the same word or phrase at the end of successive clauses (see epistrophe)
- antithesis: Juxtaposition of opposing or contrasting ideas
- aphorismus: Statement that calls into question the definition of a word
- aposiopesis: Breaking off or pausing speech for dramatic or emotional effect
- apostrophe: Directing the attention away from the audience and to a personified abstraction
- apposition: Placing of two elements side by side, in which the second defines the first
- assonance: Repetition of vowel sounds, most commonly within a short passage of verse
- asteismus: Facetious or mocking answer that plays on a word
- asyndeton: Omission of conjunctions between related clauses
- cacophony: Juxtaposition of words producing a harsh sound
- cataphora: Co-reference of one expression with another expression which follows it (example: If you need one, there's a towel in the top drawer.)
- classification: Linking a proper noun and a common noun with an article
- chiasmus: Word order in one clause is inverted in the other (inverted parallelism).
- climax: Arrangement of words in order of increasing importance
- commoratio: Repetition of an idea, re-worded
- conversion (linguistics): An unaltered transformation of a word of one word class into another word class
- consonance: Repetition of consonant sounds, most commonly within a short passage of verse
- dystmesis: A synonym for tmesis
- ellipsis: Omission of words
- enallage: Substitution of forms that are grammatically different, but have the same meaning
- enjambment: Breaking of a syntactic unit (a phrase, clause, or sentence) by the end of a line or between two verses
- enthymeme: Informal method of presenting a syllogism
- epanalepsis: Repetition of the initial word or words of a clause or sentence at the end of the clause or sentence
- epistrophe: (also known as antistrophe) Repetition of the same word or group of words at the end of successive clauses. The counterpart of anaphora
- euphony: Opposite of cacophony - i.e. pleasant sounding
- hendiadys: Use of two nouns to express an idea when the normal structure would be a noun and a modifier
- hendiatris: Use of three nouns to express one idea
- homeoptoton: in a flexive language the use the first and last words of a sentence in the same forms
- homographs: Words that are identical in spelling but different in origin and meaning
- homonyms: Words that are identical with each other in pronunciation and spelling, but differing in origin and meaning
- homophones:Words that are identical with each other in pronunciation but differing in origin and meaning
- hypallage: Changing the order of words so that they are associated with words normally associated with others
- hyperbaton: Unusual or inverted word order
- hyperbole: Exaggeration of a statement
- hysteron proteron: The inversion of the usual temporal or causal order between two elements
- isocolon: Use of parallel structures of the same length in successive clauses
- internal rhyme: Using two or more rhyming words in the same sentence
- kenning: A metonymic compound where the terms together form a sort of anecdote
- merism: Referring to a whole by enumerating some of its parts
- non sequitur: Statement that bears no relationship to the context preceding
- onomatopoeia: Word that imitates a real sound (e.g. tick-tock or boom)
- paradiastole: Repetition of the disjunctive pair "neither" and "nor"
- parallelism: The use of similar structures in two or more clauses
- paraprosdokian: Unexpected ending or truncation of a clause
- parenthesis: Insertion of a clause or sentence in a place where it interrupts the natural flow of the sentence
- paroemion: Resolute alliteration in which every word in a sentence or phrase begins with the same letter
- parrhesia: Speaking openly or boldly, or apologizing for doing so (declaring to do so)
- perissologia: The fault of wordiness
- pleonasm: Use of superfluous or redundant words
- polyptoton: Repetition of words derived from the same root
- polysyndeton: Repetition of conjunctions
- pun: When a word or phrase is used in two(or more) different senses
- sibilance: Repetition of letter 's', it is a form of alliteration
- sine dicendo: A statement that is so obvious it need not be stated, and if stated, it seems almost pointless (e.g. 'It's always in the last place you look.')
- spoonerism: Interchanging of (usually initial) letters of words with amusing effect
- superlative: Declaring something the best within its class i.e. the ugliest, the most precious
- symploce: Simultaneous use of anaphora and epistrophe: the repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning and the end of successive clauses
- synchysis: Interlocked word order
- synesis: Agreement of words according to the sense, and not the grammatical form
- synizesis: Pronunciation of two juxtaposed vowels or diphthongs as a single sound
- synonymia: Use of two or more synonyms in the same clause or sentence
- tautology: Redundancy due to superfluous qualification; saying the same thing twice
- tmesis: Division of the elements of a compound word
- zeugma: The using of one verb for two actions
Main article: Trope (linguistics)
- allegory: Extended metaphor in which a story is told to illustrate an important attribute of the subject
- alliteration: Repetition of the first consonant sound in a phrase.
- allusion: Indirect reference to another work of literature or art
- anacoenosis: Posing a question to an audience, often with the implication that it shares a common interest with the speaker
- antanaclasis: A form of pun in which a word is repeated in two different senses
- anthimeria: Substitution of one part of speech for another, often turning a noun into a verb
- anthropomorphism: Ascribing human characteristics to something that is not human, such as an animal or a god (see zoomorphism)
- antimetabole: Repetition of words in successive clauses, but in transposed grammatical order
- antiphrasis: Word or words used contradictory to their usual meaning, often with irony
- antonomasia: Substitution of a phrase for a proper name or vice versa
- aphorism: Tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion, an adage
- apophasis: Invoking an idea by denying its invocation
- apostrophe: Addressing a thing, an abstraction or a person not present
- archaism: Use of an obsolete, archaic, word (a word used in olden language, e.g. Shakespeare's language)
- auxesis: Form of hyperbole, in which a more important sounding word is used in place of a more descriptive term
- bathos Pompous speech with a ludicrously mundane worded anti-climax
- catachresis: Mixed metaphor (sometimes used by design and sometimes a rhetorical fault)
- circumlocution: "Talking around" a topic by substituting or adding words, as in euphemism or periphrasis
- commiseration: Evoking pity in the audience
- correctio: Linguistic device used for correcting one's mistakes, a form of which is epanorthosis
- denominatio: Another word for metonymy
- double negative: Grammar construction that can be used as an expression and it is the repetition of negative words
- dysphemism: Substitution of a harsher, more offensive, or more disagreeable term for another. Opposite of euphemism
- epanorthosis: Immediate and emphatic self-correction, often following a slip of the tongue
- enumeratio: A form of amplification in which a subject is divided, detailing parts, causes, effects, or consequences to make a point more forcibly
- epanodos: Repetition in a sentence with a reversal of words. Example: The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath
- erotema: Synonym for rhetorical question
- euphemism: Substitution of a less offensive or more agreeable term for another
- exclamation: An emphatic parenthetic addition that is complete in itself, exclamation differs from interjection in that it usually involves an emotional response.
- hermeneia: Repetition for the purpose of interpreting what has already been said
- humour: Provoking laughter and providing amusement
- hyperbaton: Words that naturally belong together are separated from each other for emphasis or effect
- hyperbole: Use of exaggerated terms for emphasis
- hypocatastasis: An implication or declaration of resemblance that does not directly name both terms
- hypophora: Answering one's own rhetorical question at length
- hysteron proteron: Reversal of anticipated order of events; a form of hyperbaton
- innuendo: Having a hidden meaning in a sentence that makes sense whether it is detected or not
- inversion: A reversal of normal word order, especially the placement of a verb ahead of the subject (subject-verb inversion).
- invocation: Apostrophe to a god or muse
- irony: Use of word in a way that conveys a meaning opposite to its usual meaning
- kataphora: Repetition of a cohesive device at the end
- litotes: Emphasizing the magnitude of a statement by denying its opposite
- malapropism: Using a word through confusion with a word that sounds similar
- meiosis: Use of understatement, usually to diminish the importance of something
- merism: Statement of opposites to indicate reality
- metalepsis: Referring to something through reference to another thing to which it is remotely related
- metaphor: Stating one entity is another for the purpose of comparing them in quality
- metonymy: Substitution of an associated word to suggest what is really meant
- neologism: The use of a word or term that has recently been created, or has been in use for a short time. Opposite of archaism
- onomatopoeia: Words that sound like their meaning
- oxymoron: Using two terms together, that normally contradict each other
- parable: Extended metaphor told as an anecdote to illustrate or teach a moral lesson
- paradox: Use of apparently contradictory ideas to point out some underlying truth
- paradiastole: Extenuating a vice in order to flatter or soothe
- paraprosdokian: Phrase in which the latter part causes a rethinking or reframing of the beginning
- parallel irony: An ironic juxtaposition of sentences or situations (informal)
- paralipsis: Drawing attention to something while pretending to pass it over
- paronomasia: A form of pun, in which words similar in sound but with different meanings are used
- pathetic fallacy: Using a word that refers to a human action on something non-human
- periphrasis: Using several words instead of few
- personification/prosopopoeia/anthropomorphism: Attributing or applying human qualities to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena
- praeteritio: Another word for paralipsis
- procatalepsis: Refuting anticipated objections as part of the main argument
- prolepsis: Another word for procatalepsis
- proslepsis: Extreme form of paralipsis in which the speaker provides great detail while feigning to pass over a topic
- proverb: Succinct or pithy expression of what is commonly observed and believed to be true
- pun: Play on words that will have two meanings
- repetition: Repeated usage of word(s)/group of words in the same sentence to create a poetic/rhythmic effect
- rhetorical question: Asking a question as a way of asserting something. Asking a question which already has the answer hidden in it. Or asking a question not for the sake of getting an answer but for asserting something (or as in a poem for creating a poetic effect)
- satire: Humoristic critcism of society
- sensory detail Imagery: sight, sound, taste, touch, smell
- simile: Comparison between two things using like or as
- snowclone: Quoted or misquoted cliché or phrasal template
- superlative: Saying that something is the best of something or has the most of some quality, e.g. the ugliest, the most precious etc.
- syllepsis: Form of pun, in which a single word is used to modify two other words, with which it normally would have differing meanings
- syncatabasis (condescension, accommodation): adaptation of style to the level of the audience
- synecdoche: Form of metonymy, in which a part stands for the whole
- synesthesia: Description of one kind of sense impression by using words that normally describe another.
- tautology: Needless repetition of the same sense in different words Example: The children gathered in a round circle
- transferred epithet: Placing of an adjective with what appears to be the incorrect noun
- truism: a self-evident statement
- tricolon diminuens: Combination of three elements, each decreasing in size
- tricolon crescens: Combination of three elements, each increasing in size
- zeugma: A figure of speech related to syllepsis, but different in that the word used as a modifier is not compatible with one of the two words it modifies
- zoomorphism: Applying animal characteristics to humans or gods
SOURCE FROM: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia!!!
The most played Christmas song of the decade
Mariah Carey has most played Christmas song of the decade
November 30, 2010 by Alan Pedder

Music Week has named Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ as the most played Christmas song of the past ten years. Mariah came out on top in a chart compiled by PPL based on the number of plays on radio, TV and across business over the last decade, and, amazingly, was the chart’s most recently released inclusion.
We love the original but whether the new ‘Extra Festive’ version of the song featured on her second Christmas collection, Merry Christmas II You, out now, will even be remembered in another ten years is a whole other matter.
Here’s the chart in full:
01 Mariah Carey, ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’
02 Wham!, ‘Last Christmas’
03 The Pogues feat. Kirsty MacColl, ‘Fairytale Of New York’
04 Slade, ‘Merry Xmas Everybody’
05 Wizzard, ‘I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday’
06 Band Aid, ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’
07 Chris Rea, ‘Driving Home For Christmas’
08 Jona Lewie, ‘Stop The Cavalry’
09 Bing Crosby, ‘White Christmas’
10 Dean Martin, ‘Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!’
11 Greg Lake, ‘I Believe In Father Christmas’
12 Paul McCartney, ‘Wonderful Christmastime’
13 Shakin’ Stevens, ‘Merry Christmas Everyone’
14 Elton John, ‘Step Into Christmas’
15 Frankie Goes To Hollywood, ‘The Power Of Love’
16 John & Yoko/Plastic Ono Band, ‘Happy Xmas (War Is Over)’
17 Brenda Lee, ‘Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree’
18 Darlene Love, ‘Winter Wonderland’
19 East 17, ‘Stay Another Day’
20 The Pretenders, ’2000 Miles’
The Top 30 Jewish Musicians
Christmas classics may vastly out-number Hanukkah hits, but there's
been no shortage of Jewish artists that have topped the Billboard
charts over the years. With Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights,
beginning on the evening of Saturday, December 8, now is the
perfect time to celebrate the Jewish musicians who have made the
biggest impact on the Hot 100 over the decades. We've gathered the
Tribe's biggest Billboard stars on our top 30 countdown.
30. David Guetta
The French DJ, whose Moroccan father is Jewish, helped EDM make a mainstream crossover with hit productions such as the Black Eyed Peas' 2009 track "I Gotta Feeling" and his own smash "Turn Me On," which features Nicki Minaj.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Turn Me On" (No. 4, peak date: Feb. 4, 2012); "Without You" feat. Usher (No. 4, peak date: Nov. 26, 2011)
29. Lenny Kravitz
Kravitz, whose dad is Jewish and mom is Christian, fired up a vintage rock sound that earned multiplatinum status on albums such as 1993's "Are You Gonna Go My Way" and 1998's "Five."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over" (No. 2, peak date: Aug. 24, 1991)
28. KISS
The larger-than-life hard-rock act exploded after 1975 live set "Alive!," bringing songs such as "Rock and Roll All Nite" -- and the band's ever-present glam-rock makeup -- to an audience of millions. "Beth" brought Kiss to the top 10 of the Hot 100 in 1976; "Forever," which peaked at No. 8, returned them to the top 10 club in 1990.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Beth" (No. 7, peak date: Dec. 4, 1976); "Forever" (No. 8, peak date: April 21, 1990)
27. Donald Fagen (Steely Dan)
Co-founded by Fagen, Steely Dan stands as of the '70s' most enigmatic groups. The band infused their sharp, sometimes sarcastic rock with jazz chops and studio perfectionism on albums such as key 1975 set "Katy Lied.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Rikki Don't Lose That Number" (No. 4, peak date: Aug. 3, 1974)
26. Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits)
Knopfler and Dire Straits hit the top 10 of the Hot 100 with 1979's "Sultans of Swing" but the MTV-era brought the rockers their biggest hit, "Money For Nothing," which name-checks the music channel and features backing vocals by Sting.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Money For Nothing" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Sept. 21, 1985)
25. Bob Dylan
Few artists have carried more influence or been more provocative in the rock era than Dylan, born Robert Zimmerman, whose '60s protest songs gave way to an electric epiphany and later, a gospel period as 1979's "Slow Train Coming" marked his conversion to Christianity.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Like A Rolling Stone" (No. 2, peak date: Sept. 4, 1965); "Rainy Day Women #12 & #35" (No. 2, peak date: May 21, 1966)
24. The J. Geils Band
A live juggernaut, the hard-touring group drew upon soul, blues and rock throughout the '70s. The band's 1981 album "Freeze-Frame," spawned two singles that reached the top five of the Hot 100: the title song and "Centerfold."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Centerfold" (No. 1 for 6 weeks, peak date: Feb. 6, 1982)
23. Eric Carmen
After '70s power-pop beginnings with the Raspberries (and a Hot 100 No. 2 solo hit with "All By Myself), the rocker wrote hits for the "Footloose" and "Dirty Dancing" soundtracks, hitting the top five with his own "Hungry Eyes" in 1988.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "All By Myself" (No. 2, peak date: March 6, 1976)
22. Lesley Gore
The '60s singer was a successful solo voice during the girl-group era with songs such as "It's My Party" and 1964's "You Don't Own Me" -- an influence on decades of independent women to come.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "It's My Party" (No. 1 for 2 weeks, peak date: June 1, 1963)
21. Carole King
The prolific songwriter rose to fame notching hits for Aretha Franklin, the Crystals and other '60s stars, and she proved her solo chops with 1971's big-selling "Tapestry" and the smash "It's Too Late / I Feel The Earth Move."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "It's Too Late / I Feel The Earth Move" (No. 1 for 5 weeks, peak date: June 19, 1971)
20. Drake
The "Take Care" MC, whose mom is Jewish, celebrated his heritage alongside Young Money label boss Lil Wayne in the Bar Mitzvah-themed video for "HYFR" earlier this year. His biggest Hot 100 celebration so far has been his featured spot on Rihanna's No. 1 hit "What's My Name?"
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "What's My Name?" Rihanna feat. Drake (No. 1, peak date: Nov. 20, 2010)
19. Bette Midler
The Divine Miss M showcased her many talents on stage and screen. Her biggest hit encompassed both talents: 1989's "Wind Beneath My Wings," which reached No. 1, was from the film "Beaches," in which the singer also co-starred.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Wind Beneath My Wings" (No. 1, peak date: June 10, 1989)
18. David Lee Roth (Van Halen)
Exuberant frontman David Lee Roth singing atop Eddie Van Halen's Olympic-level guitar solos helped the hard-rock act dominate the late '70s/early '80s rock scene, earning a No. 1 hit with "Jump" in 1984.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Jump" (No. 1, peak date: Feb. 25, 1984)
17. Chris Stein (Blondie)
New York punk/new wave rockers Blondie wouldn't have been Blondie without both Debbie Harry AND guitarist Chris Stein. From 1979 to 1981, the group scored a whopping four Hot 100 No. 1s including "Heart of Glass," "Call Me," "The Tide Is High," and "Rapture."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Call Me" (No. 1 for 6 weeks, peak date: April 19, 1980)
16. Susanna Hoffs (Bangles)
Led by singer-guitarist Susanna Hoffs, the all-female band became synonymous with the '80s thank to songs such as "Manic Monday" and "Walk Like an Egyptian."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Walk Like An Egyptian" (No. 1 for 4 weeks, peak date: Dec. 20, 1986)
15. Herb Alpert
The band leader reached the top 10 with The Tijuana Brass in the early '60s, but he rose to No. 1 with a memorable version of Burt Bacharach and Hal David's "This Guy's In Love With You" in 1968 and again with "Rise" in 1979.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "This Guy's In Love With You" (No. 1 for 4 weeks, peak date: June 22, 1968)
14. Carly Simon
With "You're So Vain," the '70s singer/songwriter posed a pop culture question that's yet to be answered -- who is the song about? -- and scored a huge No. 1 hit in a decade where she also notched several other Hot 100 top 10s.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "You're So Vain" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Jan. 6, 1973)
13. Paul Simon
Paul Simon has been such a force in popular music, he's earned a spots on this list both as a member of Simon & Garfunkel and for his own rich solo career. His reached the Hot 100 top 10 for songs such as "Mother and Child Reunion" and "Kodachrome," but the singer/songwriter's top solo hit came in 1976 with the No. 1 song "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Feb. 7, 1976)
12. Taylor Dayne
With debut album "Tell It To My Heart," the dance-pop singer went double platinum and landed a handful of top 10 hits, including a No. 7 showing in 1988 with the synth-powered title track. She rose the highest, however, two years later with the ballad "Love Will Lead You Back," which hit the top.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Love Will Lead You Back" (No. 1, peak date: April 7, 1990)
11. Helen Reddy
The '60s and '70s singer-actress had 14 top 40 hits, with chart-toppers such as "Delta Dawn," "Angie Baby" and "I Am Woman."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "I Am Woman" (No. 1, peak date: Dec. 9, 1972); "Delta Dawn" (No. 1, peak date: Sept. 15, 1973); "Angie Baby" (No. 1, peak date: Dec. 28, 1974)
10. Simon & Garfunkel
Thanks "The Sounds of Silence," the New York duo comprised of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel became known as perceptive, golden-voiced icons of the '60s folk movement (and earned two weeks at No. 1 on the Hot 100 in 1966 with the song while they were at it).
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Bridge Over Troubled Water" (No. 1 for 6 weeks, peak date: Feb. 28, 1970); "Mrs. Robinson" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: June 1, 1968)
9. Michael Bolton
The "Time, Love and Tenderness" singer took adult contemporary to a new level when his 1990 song "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You" and his 1991 cover of "When a Man Loves a Woman," which both became Hot 100 No. 1 hits.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Jan. 20, 1990); "When A Man Loves A Woman" (No. 1, peak date: Nov. 23, 1991)
8. Adam Levine (Maroon 5)
Since early hits such as 2002's "This Love," the pop-rockers have made climbing the charts routine, with the band's success extending to frontman Adam Levine's role as a coach on "The Voice."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "One More Night" (No. 1 for 9 weeks, peak date: Sept. 29, 2012); "Moves Like Jagger" (No. 1 for 4 weeks, peak date: Sept. 10, 2011)
7. Neil Sedaka
The singer and composer's songs landed him his first "American Bandstand" appearance in 1958, with '60s hit "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do" covered by everyone from the Partridge Family to the Four Seasons.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Bad Blood" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Oct. 11, 1975)
6. P!nk
The "Get the Party Started" singer has become one of the decade's biggest, boldest pop divas, offering sass in hits including "So What" and "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)." Her biggest hit (so far) came as a huge collab with fellow singers Christina Aguilera, Mya, and Lil Kim on a 2001 cover of "Lady Marmalade."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Lady Marmalade" w/ Christina Aquilera, Lil Kim, Mya (No. 1 for 5 weeks, peak date: June 2, 2001); "So What" (No. 1, peak date: Sept. 27, 2008); "Raise Your Glass" (No. 1, peak date: Dec. 11, 2010
5. Paula Abdul
The award-winning choreographer and "Straight Up" singer, who was a regular on the Hot 100 in the late '80s and early '90s, found her next burst of fame as Simon Cowell's foil at the judge's table on the game-changing "American Idol."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Rush Rush" (No. 1 for 5 weeks, peak date: June 15, 1991); "Straight Up" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Feb. 11, 1989); "Opposites Attract" w/ The Wild Pair (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Feb. 10, 1990)
4. Barry Manilow
The "I Write the Songs" singer had his beloved brand of pop immortalized on the stage and screen in the musical "Copacabana."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Mandy" (No. 1, peak date: Jan. 18, 1975); "I Write The Songs" (No. 1, peak date: Jan. 17, 1976); "Looks Like We Made It" (No. 1, peak date: July 23, 1977);
3. Barbra Streisand
With a career spanning film, Broadway and music, the "Funny Girl" star has released No. 1 albums on the Billboard 200 across decades -- and picked up Oscars and Grammys along the way.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "The Way We Were" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Feb. 2, 1974); "Woman In Love" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Oct. 25, 1980); "Evergreen ( Love Theme From 'A Star Is Born')" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: March 5, 1977)
2. Neil Diamond
Penning the Monkees' "I'm a Believer" made him a songwriting star, but solo hits such as "Sweet Caroline" and "Song Sung Blue" made him a music legend in his own right.
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" w/ Barbra Streisand (No. 1 for 2 weeks, peak date: Dec. 2, 1978); "Song Sung Blue" (No. 1, peak date: July 1, 1972); "Cracklin' Rosie" (No. 1, peak date: Oct. 10, 1970)
1. Billy Joel
The "Piano Man" and Rock and Roll Hall of Famer boasts seven Hot 100 top five hits -- spanning decades -- including a trio of No. 1s: "We Didn't Start The Fire," It's Still Rock And Roll To Me" and "Tell Her About It."
Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "It's Still Rock and Roll To Me" (No. 1 for 2 weeks, peak date: July 19, 1980); "We Didn't Start The Fire" (No. 1 for 2 weeks, peak date: Dec. 9, 1989)
SOURCE FROM: http://www.billboard.com
30. David Guetta
The French DJ, whose Moroccan father is Jewish, helped EDM make a mainstream crossover with hit productions such as the Black Eyed Peas' 2009 track "I Gotta Feeling" and his own smash "Turn Me On," which features Nicki Minaj.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Turn Me On" (No. 4, peak date: Feb. 4, 2012); "Without You" feat. Usher (No. 4, peak date: Nov. 26, 2011)
29. Lenny Kravitz
Kravitz, whose dad is Jewish and mom is Christian, fired up a vintage rock sound that earned multiplatinum status on albums such as 1993's "Are You Gonna Go My Way" and 1998's "Five."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over" (No. 2, peak date: Aug. 24, 1991)
28. KISS
The larger-than-life hard-rock act exploded after 1975 live set "Alive!," bringing songs such as "Rock and Roll All Nite" -- and the band's ever-present glam-rock makeup -- to an audience of millions. "Beth" brought Kiss to the top 10 of the Hot 100 in 1976; "Forever," which peaked at No. 8, returned them to the top 10 club in 1990.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Beth" (No. 7, peak date: Dec. 4, 1976); "Forever" (No. 8, peak date: April 21, 1990)
27. Donald Fagen (Steely Dan)
Co-founded by Fagen, Steely Dan stands as of the '70s' most enigmatic groups. The band infused their sharp, sometimes sarcastic rock with jazz chops and studio perfectionism on albums such as key 1975 set "Katy Lied.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Rikki Don't Lose That Number" (No. 4, peak date: Aug. 3, 1974)
26. Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits)
Knopfler and Dire Straits hit the top 10 of the Hot 100 with 1979's "Sultans of Swing" but the MTV-era brought the rockers their biggest hit, "Money For Nothing," which name-checks the music channel and features backing vocals by Sting.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Money For Nothing" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Sept. 21, 1985)
25. Bob Dylan
Few artists have carried more influence or been more provocative in the rock era than Dylan, born Robert Zimmerman, whose '60s protest songs gave way to an electric epiphany and later, a gospel period as 1979's "Slow Train Coming" marked his conversion to Christianity.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Like A Rolling Stone" (No. 2, peak date: Sept. 4, 1965); "Rainy Day Women #12 & #35" (No. 2, peak date: May 21, 1966)
24. The J. Geils Band
A live juggernaut, the hard-touring group drew upon soul, blues and rock throughout the '70s. The band's 1981 album "Freeze-Frame," spawned two singles that reached the top five of the Hot 100: the title song and "Centerfold."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Centerfold" (No. 1 for 6 weeks, peak date: Feb. 6, 1982)
23. Eric Carmen
After '70s power-pop beginnings with the Raspberries (and a Hot 100 No. 2 solo hit with "All By Myself), the rocker wrote hits for the "Footloose" and "Dirty Dancing" soundtracks, hitting the top five with his own "Hungry Eyes" in 1988.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "All By Myself" (No. 2, peak date: March 6, 1976)
22. Lesley Gore
The '60s singer was a successful solo voice during the girl-group era with songs such as "It's My Party" and 1964's "You Don't Own Me" -- an influence on decades of independent women to come.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "It's My Party" (No. 1 for 2 weeks, peak date: June 1, 1963)
21. Carole King
The prolific songwriter rose to fame notching hits for Aretha Franklin, the Crystals and other '60s stars, and she proved her solo chops with 1971's big-selling "Tapestry" and the smash "It's Too Late / I Feel The Earth Move."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "It's Too Late / I Feel The Earth Move" (No. 1 for 5 weeks, peak date: June 19, 1971)
20. Drake
The "Take Care" MC, whose mom is Jewish, celebrated his heritage alongside Young Money label boss Lil Wayne in the Bar Mitzvah-themed video for "HYFR" earlier this year. His biggest Hot 100 celebration so far has been his featured spot on Rihanna's No. 1 hit "What's My Name?"

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "What's My Name?" Rihanna feat. Drake (No. 1, peak date: Nov. 20, 2010)
19. Bette Midler
The Divine Miss M showcased her many talents on stage and screen. Her biggest hit encompassed both talents: 1989's "Wind Beneath My Wings," which reached No. 1, was from the film "Beaches," in which the singer also co-starred.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Wind Beneath My Wings" (No. 1, peak date: June 10, 1989)
18. David Lee Roth (Van Halen)
Exuberant frontman David Lee Roth singing atop Eddie Van Halen's Olympic-level guitar solos helped the hard-rock act dominate the late '70s/early '80s rock scene, earning a No. 1 hit with "Jump" in 1984.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Jump" (No. 1, peak date: Feb. 25, 1984)
17. Chris Stein (Blondie)
New York punk/new wave rockers Blondie wouldn't have been Blondie without both Debbie Harry AND guitarist Chris Stein. From 1979 to 1981, the group scored a whopping four Hot 100 No. 1s including "Heart of Glass," "Call Me," "The Tide Is High," and "Rapture."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Call Me" (No. 1 for 6 weeks, peak date: April 19, 1980)
16. Susanna Hoffs (Bangles)
Led by singer-guitarist Susanna Hoffs, the all-female band became synonymous with the '80s thank to songs such as "Manic Monday" and "Walk Like an Egyptian."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Walk Like An Egyptian" (No. 1 for 4 weeks, peak date: Dec. 20, 1986)
15. Herb Alpert
The band leader reached the top 10 with The Tijuana Brass in the early '60s, but he rose to No. 1 with a memorable version of Burt Bacharach and Hal David's "This Guy's In Love With You" in 1968 and again with "Rise" in 1979.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "This Guy's In Love With You" (No. 1 for 4 weeks, peak date: June 22, 1968)
14. Carly Simon
With "You're So Vain," the '70s singer/songwriter posed a pop culture question that's yet to be answered -- who is the song about? -- and scored a huge No. 1 hit in a decade where she also notched several other Hot 100 top 10s.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "You're So Vain" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Jan. 6, 1973)
13. Paul Simon
Paul Simon has been such a force in popular music, he's earned a spots on this list both as a member of Simon & Garfunkel and for his own rich solo career. His reached the Hot 100 top 10 for songs such as "Mother and Child Reunion" and "Kodachrome," but the singer/songwriter's top solo hit came in 1976 with the No. 1 song "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Feb. 7, 1976)
12. Taylor Dayne
With debut album "Tell It To My Heart," the dance-pop singer went double platinum and landed a handful of top 10 hits, including a No. 7 showing in 1988 with the synth-powered title track. She rose the highest, however, two years later with the ballad "Love Will Lead You Back," which hit the top.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Love Will Lead You Back" (No. 1, peak date: April 7, 1990)
11. Helen Reddy
The '60s and '70s singer-actress had 14 top 40 hits, with chart-toppers such as "Delta Dawn," "Angie Baby" and "I Am Woman."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "I Am Woman" (No. 1, peak date: Dec. 9, 1972); "Delta Dawn" (No. 1, peak date: Sept. 15, 1973); "Angie Baby" (No. 1, peak date: Dec. 28, 1974)
10. Simon & Garfunkel
Thanks "The Sounds of Silence," the New York duo comprised of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel became known as perceptive, golden-voiced icons of the '60s folk movement (and earned two weeks at No. 1 on the Hot 100 in 1966 with the song while they were at it).

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Bridge Over Troubled Water" (No. 1 for 6 weeks, peak date: Feb. 28, 1970); "Mrs. Robinson" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: June 1, 1968)
9. Michael Bolton
The "Time, Love and Tenderness" singer took adult contemporary to a new level when his 1990 song "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You" and his 1991 cover of "When a Man Loves a Woman," which both became Hot 100 No. 1 hits.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Jan. 20, 1990); "When A Man Loves A Woman" (No. 1, peak date: Nov. 23, 1991)
8. Adam Levine (Maroon 5)
Since early hits such as 2002's "This Love," the pop-rockers have made climbing the charts routine, with the band's success extending to frontman Adam Levine's role as a coach on "The Voice."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "One More Night" (No. 1 for 9 weeks, peak date: Sept. 29, 2012); "Moves Like Jagger" (No. 1 for 4 weeks, peak date: Sept. 10, 2011)
7. Neil Sedaka
The singer and composer's songs landed him his first "American Bandstand" appearance in 1958, with '60s hit "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do" covered by everyone from the Partridge Family to the Four Seasons.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hit: "Bad Blood" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Oct. 11, 1975)
6. P!nk
The "Get the Party Started" singer has become one of the decade's biggest, boldest pop divas, offering sass in hits including "So What" and "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)." Her biggest hit (so far) came as a huge collab with fellow singers Christina Aguilera, Mya, and Lil Kim on a 2001 cover of "Lady Marmalade."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Lady Marmalade" w/ Christina Aquilera, Lil Kim, Mya (No. 1 for 5 weeks, peak date: June 2, 2001); "So What" (No. 1, peak date: Sept. 27, 2008); "Raise Your Glass" (No. 1, peak date: Dec. 11, 2010
5. Paula Abdul
The award-winning choreographer and "Straight Up" singer, who was a regular on the Hot 100 in the late '80s and early '90s, found her next burst of fame as Simon Cowell's foil at the judge's table on the game-changing "American Idol."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Rush Rush" (No. 1 for 5 weeks, peak date: June 15, 1991); "Straight Up" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Feb. 11, 1989); "Opposites Attract" w/ The Wild Pair (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Feb. 10, 1990)
4. Barry Manilow
The "I Write the Songs" singer had his beloved brand of pop immortalized on the stage and screen in the musical "Copacabana."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "Mandy" (No. 1, peak date: Jan. 18, 1975); "I Write The Songs" (No. 1, peak date: Jan. 17, 1976); "Looks Like We Made It" (No. 1, peak date: July 23, 1977);
3. Barbra Streisand
With a career spanning film, Broadway and music, the "Funny Girl" star has released No. 1 albums on the Billboard 200 across decades -- and picked up Oscars and Grammys along the way.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "The Way We Were" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Feb. 2, 1974); "Woman In Love" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: Oct. 25, 1980); "Evergreen ( Love Theme From 'A Star Is Born')" (No. 1 for 3 weeks, peak date: March 5, 1977)
2. Neil Diamond
Penning the Monkees' "I'm a Believer" made him a songwriting star, but solo hits such as "Sweet Caroline" and "Song Sung Blue" made him a music legend in his own right.

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" w/ Barbra Streisand (No. 1 for 2 weeks, peak date: Dec. 2, 1978); "Song Sung Blue" (No. 1, peak date: July 1, 1972); "Cracklin' Rosie" (No. 1, peak date: Oct. 10, 1970)
1. Billy Joel
The "Piano Man" and Rock and Roll Hall of Famer boasts seven Hot 100 top five hits -- spanning decades -- including a trio of No. 1s: "We Didn't Start The Fire," It's Still Rock And Roll To Me" and "Tell Her About It."

Highest Charting Hot 100 Hits: "It's Still Rock and Roll To Me" (No. 1 for 2 weeks, peak date: July 19, 1980); "We Didn't Start The Fire" (No. 1 for 2 weeks, peak date: Dec. 9, 1989)
SOURCE FROM: http://www.billboard.com
Rabu, 05 Desember 2012
Blue December
Hello December, Unbelievable finally I come back to this month again, I feel so glad! this the last month of the year and also so special.
I've been waiting so many time when I was alone in dark and when no one hears me but the music does! I love Christmas music so much!
Too many things I want to share here, I just feel in love with someone, someone who used to be a stranger to me but now become much value to me! someone who can make feel like I am home again. I am not wishing for many things to happen in this December, just let it flow!
This morning I wake up so early, and having my morning coffee as my ritual and I am feeling like I am in heaven!
Ibarat semua gunung telah ku daki dan semua goa sudah ku susuri namun tak kunjung ku temukan arti cinta namun hanya pada nya lah semua nya itu ada, aku tak kuasa dibuatnya bertekuk lutut dan seperti rokok yang acapkali ku hisap, semain pula aku kecanduan pada senyum manis nya, senyuman polos yang mengandung selaksa makna.
Hari-hari yang ku lewati akhir-akhir ini begitu drama dan penuh superficial, tapi aku adalah aktor yang baik untuk berperan dalam menyembunyikan semua rasaku pada nya.
Aku tak peduli apakah dia tau atau tak tau, tapi perhatian ku padanya sudah sangat melebihi batas, dan melanggar skenario dalam drama hidup yang ku jalani.
Yah itulah yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini... sungguh penuh tipu muslihat.
Setiap ku berjuang melawan rasa hanya berujung pada rasa kangen yang membunuh.
This is what I feel, this is true and I am not going to tell a lie to my own self.
Everyone is home for Christmas except me and that tears me up so much!
This is really a blue December! It's so damn cold outside and I need you to hold me back!
I drink a lot of liquor and that's warm my body but that's not just only I wanted! but you!
Whatever it is, I feel every step when I am not alright and I am feeling alright <3
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