Rabu, 29 Januari 2014
Final examination of Interpreting
1. What are the requirements of a professional interpreter?
2. Why do people need an interpreter? Give an example!
3. What must an interpreter do when he or she helps two parties with different languages?
1) Interpreting is an activity of translating one language into one or more different languages by oral, for example (Indonesian language into English and or Spanish). This is not an easy job because the person who wants to do it must have some abilities. To be a good or professional interpreter, a person must have some criteria or requirements namely. The person who wants to be a good or professional interpreter must getting into the right institution or department (for example: school or university) which related to his or her major or course which he or she is going to take. After that, he or she also must getting a degree in translation studies, foreign languages, linguistics, comparative literature, or intercultural communication and many more which related to his or her major. The second criterion that must be done by a professional interpreter is that the person also must expand his or her experience. In gaining the experience, an interpreter must be internship with the other office organizations or some free-lance jobs in order to increase his or her ability in translation. The last criteria of becoming a professional interpreter is, an interpreter must be quick and effective, work hard, practice. A professional interpreter must to work fast, and the effectiveness in choosing alternative words which are understood by the audience. “no pain no gain” is a motto for those who want to be succeed, work hard includes the high-spirited of an interpreter whether or not he or she wants to do the best by hardworking and doing some practice of translating over and over again.
2) Language is “meaningful articulated human’s sounds” according to Ferdinand de Saussure. Every nations have their own languages and it is the strong reason why language shapes a nation, for example in Indonesia, there are many languages, some tradition languages which are spoken by many folks in Indonesia such as Java language, Borneo language, Bali language, Moluccas language and many more. But Indonesia only has one language which can unify all the different cultures to be one nation which is unison. By this case, I can conclude that not everyone can clearly understand some other languages all around the world. The causes of it because of the different culture, different domicile and separated by sea or even oceans, it makes “one language” is could not be clearly fathom by the other people. Admittedly, there are several people who can master one or even more languages expertly, but not people have the same ability. This is the reason why a person must need an interpreter in case to deliver the purpose of what is going to convey. For example like I am an Indonesian and I have an opportunity to delivery my speech to Zimbabwe, the place where I’ve never been before, the place where I’ve never imagine to go to, and because of that, the alternative or the ways which should be taken by me is trying to look for an interpreter, someone who is mastering the Zimbabwe’s languages. This way will help me to deliver my intention.
3) There are many obligations which must be done by an interpreter when he or she is helping to two parties in different languages namely; the first is about the “understanding”. An interpreter must get to know better of who is his or her partner by making some discussions in advance. The second is about the “accuracy”, an interpreter must use the words which can be clearly understood by the listeners, and the last is an interpreter has to ask the question if it is needed when delivering the purpose of his or her partner.
The struggle has not ended yet
It's not that easy to undergo this life.. yeah sangatlah benar. Kalau saja semenjak bulan Desember saya tak pernah terlelap dengan nyenyak dalam setiap pejaman mata, terus memikirkan sejuta hal yang tak pernah terkata maupun tak bisa dilukiskan, begitu banyak persoalan hidup dan urusan yang sampai saat ini pun belom terselesaikan. Akan tetapi, saya masih terus bersyukur bila mana saya selalu mendapat jalan keluar dari setiap permasalahan yang mengacaukan pikiran saya.
Hidup butuh perjuangan yang giat dan keras, seberapa sukarnya masalah yang datang saya selalu berpatokan pada tujuan hidup saya, dan itulah yang memicu serta memberi semangat untuk terus melangkah. Memang tak mudah, terutama harus berjuang melawan berbagai cobaan dan godaan yang ditawarkan, terkadang saya larut dan hanyut dengan dalam kenikmatan yang sesaat, tetapi juga saya kembali berpikir bahwa hidup selalu butuh hiburan, kata Frank Sinatra "I feel sorry for people who do not drink. When they wake up in the morning it is as good as they are going to feel all day." To be honest, I've been an alcoholic for almost two past months. Night by night, I went to one bar after another and I feel good. I feel like alcohol is the best escape for all my problems, this is just what i assume, and that does not mean that you have to get drunk everyday, NO! you can enjoy your life in your own ways. Sekalipun kehidupan saya seperti itu, namun semangat saya untuk terus kuliah dan belajar maupun mengerjakan tugas kuliah tak pernah surut, saya telah membuktikan bahwa ada banyak teman saya yang kelihatannya baik-baik saja, tak pernah menyentuh alkohol, prestasinya di kampus tak sebaik apa yang saya dapat bahkan jauh sekali dan bertolak belakang dengan kehidupan mereka yang mereka nilai "benar" itu. Ini adalah awal tahun dan masih sangat dini, karena perjuangan yang sesungguhnya akan segera dimulai tahun ini, faktanya saya lulus semua mata kuliah dengan hasil yang sangat gemilang dengan tidak ada satupun nilai C, saya tak bermaksud memegahkan diri tapi inilah hasil yang saya capai, dengan terus berusaha tanpa henti.
This is my last year study in the University and I hope that I'll be better than before, no matter what people might think and say about me, I live my own life, and also do the same, I have my own life and they also have the same, so people have to judge the others? Take a look in the mirror before you're starting to talk. It's 2014 guys, make up your mind! you don't have to be like Farhat Abbas who always interfere and criticize people's life. The world will be just fine if people need the others to uphold their life and not only it but also people have to help the others in order to increase their life to be better that before, it is all not about just honking of geese or just criticizing everyone's life but also have to give the solution by helping!
The struggle has not ended yet, remember that karma loops, what goes around comes all the way back around, be wise with your every deeds.
Written by: @oldryronald
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